2023 Home Run Derby Rules and FAQ


What is the Home Run Derby?

KNLL is hosting a Home Run Derby for KNLL baseball and softball players. The Home Run Derby is officially sponsored this year by T-Mobile and is FREE to participate in.


When is the Home Run Derby?

The Home Run Derby will be a featured event at KNLL Fan Fest at Big Finn Hill on May 21st. It will start at 12 pm and run approximately 2 – 2.5 hours.

Participants must be present to participate (Round 2 and Final Round participants, especially).


Who can participate in the Home Run Derby?

All current Coast and Majors players who are league age 9-12 years old are eligible but they must a) Register in advance to participate; and b) Have submitted a completed Participant Release prior to participation.


What will the active experience be for participants in the Home Run Derby?

Participants will have 90 seconds (1:30) to hit as many home runs as possible in Round 1. The top 10 home run hitters from Round 1 will advance to Round 2 and will have another 90 seconds to hit as many home runs as possible. The top 5 from Round 2 will advance to the Final Round and will have a third and final 90 seconds to hit as many home runs as possible.


What do players receive for participating in the Home Run Derby?

  1. A fun experience!
  2. Each participant will receive an official Certificate of Participation.
  3. Coast and Majors-level Champions plus the overall League Home Run Champion will receive KNLL trophies.
  4. Further, the KNLL Home Run Champion may be eligible to participate in additional T-Mobile Little League Home Run Derby regional and/or national events.

Participants must adhere to basic Little League rules and standards:

  1. Only USA Baseball labeled bats (USABat) can be used (a selection of bats provided by the league will be available)
  2. Use of a helmet by the batter is mandatory (a selection of helmets provided by the league will be available)
  3. Official Little League balls will be used

Home Run Derby Participant Experience

  1. Participants will bat in a random order in Round 1 – the order will be posted 15 minutes before the start of the Derby.
  2. A Public Announcement (PA) system will be used to announce the current, on-deck, and in-the-hole batter. On-deck and in-the-hole batters should be in the 3rd base dugout and ready to bat promptly when it is their turn.
  3. Prior to being in the 3rd base dugout, participants will have an opportunity to get loose in or around the Big Finn Hill batting cages.
  4. Batters will exit the field via the 1st base dugout after their turn. They will receive their Certificate of Participation here.
  5. Round 1 (top 10) and Round 2 (top 5) winners will be announced at the conclusion of the round. In Round 2 and the Final Round, batters will bat in order of home runs hit thus far, the lowest total number hitting first.
  6. At the conclusion of the Home Run Derby, league level and the overall champion will be announced and trophies handed out.