Evolving to GameChanger, Expanding Video Options for the Spring 2024 Season

Kirkland National Little League is excited to announce that we are adopting GameChanger for the 2024 Spring season! 

GameChanger is a free app that will be how you communicate with your team, see your team’s schedule, and follow games live even when you can't be in the stands. 

KNLL is also making cameras available for Big Finn Hill fields 1-3, so games on those fields can be broadcast live and recorded for playback – learn more below. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I have to pay for the GameChanger app?

No!  The free version of GameChanger is all you need for team communication, schedules, and to follow live games.   

There is a premium version which you can optionally choose to purchase, which gives access to deeper statistics, video clips from prior games, and more. You can read more about the premium option here. 

How do I get the GameChanger app and connect with my team?

Once teams are formed, you'll receive an invitation to join your team on GameChanger via email, which will include a link to install the app if you don't have it already. Once you open GameChanger, use the same email address, and you'll see your new team! Alternately, you can search for your team in the app, just pick the sport (Baseball or Softball), the Spring 2024 season, and ‘Kirkland, WA’. 

Will KNLL parents also need to use TeamSnap this year, like in the past?

No, the team communication and scheduling aspects of TeamSnap used by KNLL in the past are being replaced by GameChanger: Parents will not need to use TeamSnap for the 2024 Spring season.

Will scorekeeping take place in GameChanger, or on paper?

All divisions which keep score will use GameChanger instead of paper books this year. This gives upper division families the ability to follow along with games remotely, gives managers and coaches rich statistics for their own team, and helps KNLL ensure pitch count limits are adhered to which is essential for helping keep our pitchers’ arms healthy.

Who is responsible for keeping score for each game in GameChanger?

The Home team is responsible for keeping score within GameChanger. Ideally, this will be done by a parent volunteer as the team’s Scorekeeper, but may also be the team’s Manager, Coach, or other parent volunteer. Both teams’ families will be able to follow along, even if the other team is the one keeping score.

Who will have access to game information, live-streams, box scores and statistics via GameChanger? 

Parents and fans will have access to game schedules, live-streams (if available) and basic box score information. Detailed statistics will only be available in GameChanger for free to the team’s Manager, Coaches and Scorekeepers.

Will there be cameras installed at Big Finn Hill fields? How do the cameras work?

There will not be permanent cameras in place at Big Finn Hill this Spring season. Instead, KNLL is making camera ‘kits’ available for check-out, for optional use during games at BFH Fields 1-3. Each kit contains a camera, battery pack, instructions, and signage so attending fans know the game is being recorded.

A Manager, Coach, Scorekeeper or other parent volunteer will need to check-out the camera kit and set up the kit’s camera on the fence behind home plate to stream and record. The live video-feed will stream over a mobile network already configured as part of the kit.

Can our team use a personal camera to stream and record a game?

Yes! While we are supplying camera kits to check-out and use for games at Big Finn Hill fields 1-3, parents can use their own phone and data plan to stream and record games at other fields (for example, at the Juanita Beach fields or Big Finn Hill field 4). Live stream feeds will be limited to one camera view per game in GameChanger.

I would like to volunteer to be a Scorekeeper or help with setting up the camera kits for my team’s games on BFH 1-3. How do I learn more?

Please see our scorekeeping page or video page for more information.

If you have additional questions about the cameras, please email the KNLL League Information Officer.