Rainout Line Information
Please check the field status prior to practices and games.
Rainout lines are typically updated by 3:00pm on weekdays and 8:00am on weekends.
If the line has not been updated by the start of your event, assume playable or marginal status.
Field Status:
- Playable or Open
- Marginal - League / Manager discretion
- Rained Out - Do not use!
Phone Numbers:
- Big Finn Hill: (206) 205-3893
- City of Kirkland: (425) 587-3345
- Bellevue Parks: (425) 452-4860
- East Sammamish Park: (425) 495-2493
- Everest Park: (425) 587-3345
- Hartman Park: (425) 200-0076
- Issaquah Parks: (425) 837-3326
- Mercer Island (B&G Club): (206) 436-1951
- Mercer Island City Fields: (206) 275-7894
- Redmond Ridge: (206) 205-3893
- Tolt-McDonald: (206) 296-1420
Online / Phone Apps:
Big Finn Hill - Application not in use
Kirkland - https://rainoutline.com/search/dnis/4258830227/
Redmond - https://rainoutline.com/search/dnis/4252000076
Rainout Line App: